Brake Service

Braking systems are vital for all vehicles as a matter of safety, and if these don’t work correctly, it can place the driver and pedestrians at risk. Over time brake will wear because of the friction that is imposed on the pads, and if they aren’t checked, they can reach the stage of not stopping a vehicle or failing altogether.
Any Orlando mechanic would advise having the braking system of a vehicle checked on a regular basis because this can help to prolong the time between a full brake service where parts might need to be changed.
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Symptoms of Brake Wear and Brake System Problems
- It has been over 12 months since the brakes were checked, the vehicle has gone over 12,000 miles.
- The brake warning light is permanently illuminated on the dash
- You can hear a grinding or squealing noise when you brake
- The recommended period of changing the brake fluid has lapsed
- The vehicle tries to swerve to the side under braking
- The car takes longer to stop when depressing the brake pedal
- The brake pedal feels spongy, and there is a delay before the brakes work
- The pedal goes directly to the floor when pushed
Orlando Mobile Brake Services
We have access to the most abundant supply of OEM brake parts, so with just the make and model of the vehicle, our mechanics can access all they would need to fix any problems on your vehicle including oil change.
A brake system check is quite comprehensive so our mobile mechanics will explain everything they are going to check before they do it so as not to spring any hidden surprises. Here is a quick breakdown of what they would check when they visit your Orlando home to give your vehicle a brake system service.
- Both front and rear brake pads, or brake shoes are checked for overall condition and signs of wear
- Rotors are checked and tested for wear, and seals are checked for leaks
- Drums or discs are inspected for wear and damage
- The brake fluid condition and levels are checked
- The parking brake effectiveness is tested and adjusted if needed
Orlando Brake Service or Repair?
Our skilled mobile grease monkeys perform all of the above checks before any work is started. In some cases, you can get away with a brake service, and there is no need for a brake system repair. But, if it comes to repair, our mechanic would show you what needs to be done.
A few brake problem areas that might result in brake repair.
New brake pads or shoes being installed
Brake rotors or drums being replaced or re-surfaced (if possible)
Brake fluid changed and the system having the brakes bled
Replacing brake lines, worn hoses, or faulty rotor cylinder seals being fixed

Rest assured, all of our Orlando customers are presented with the most affordable rates in the region. We make significant savings when we purchase parts, so we give back to all our customers because we know when we have a customer, they will be a lifelong customer.
This following we want to maintain, and it is something we have managed to do following this methodology over the last 15 years of operation.
Our Brake Service Commitment
Braking systems on vehicles that fail can lead to accidents. For this reason, we make sure all cars are test driven and double checked before we consider the job finished. Our integrity goes way beyond just fixing the problem, and then our mobile mechanics drive away.
Our customers are what has made all of this happen, so we make sure our customers are happy and safe and can carry on motoring before they call us again for another vehicle service.
Fast and Efficient Mobile Vehicle Repairs
We bring the shop to you!